My Top 5 Books from the Past 5 Months

Wow…I’ve neglected the blog lately! As always in the world of education, there are no slow moments in the school year. Here I am though with just a few weeks left until Summer break. Since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am feeling a little re-energized, I want to devote some time back to what I love about Closet Hook- sharing my favorite finds, brands, and recommendations with you all! Let’s dive back into this with books! I typically like to recap all my favorite reads every month or two. Since that shipped has sailed, I figure recapping the best of the best from the last five months will just have to do. While I may have made you wait for the blog post, I assure you- these books were worth the wait. I have been reading and loving so much this year! Let’s get to it…

5. Reminders of Him- Colleen Hoover

One of my reading pro tips is to read anything by Colleen Hoover! Reminders of Him is her 2022 new release and this did not disappoint. This story has themes of redemption, forgiveness, and love. As always with CH, the characters are well-developed and you will be rooting for Kenna to find peace with her past in the end!

4. The Rose Code- Kate Quinn

I love Historical fiction, and Kate Quinn always serves up the best in this genre! This story chronicles 3 British women, who serve in a top secret intelligence unit during WW2. They are tasked with breaking enigma code from their enemy while keeping their jobs a secret from their families, loved ones, and friends. This story was masterfully written, and loosely threaded real-life people who served in these efforts with the fictional characters of this book. Bonus- it even has connections and ties with the British royal family. This is a wonderful read about how women were able to change the course of the war!

3. The Nest- Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney

If you are in the mood for a story about a dysfunctional family, The Nest is your book! Four siblings in NYC expect to receive a large sum of family inheritance in their adulthood. When a family tragedy occurs and depletes the nest (their nickname for their inheritance), the frayed relationships between the siblings further deteriorate. Although they are all in need of money, they eventually are able to overcome their own personal needs and strengthen their sibling bonds. Well, for the most part…

2. Lessons in Chemistry- Bonnie Garmus

This is a tale that champions the strength and intelligence of women! Elizabeth Zott is a female chemist during the 1950s and 1960s, a time when women were rare in the field of science…or work in general. She isn’t afraid to go against the grain, but she must suffer many tragedies and injustices to find her way. While she pursues her unconventional path in Chemistry, she also finds love, friendship and heartbreak. With every curveball thrown her way, she finds a way to keeping pushing forward. Lessons in Chemistry left me feeling inspired!

  1. Black Cake- Charmaine Wilkerson

Black Cake is the book that I can’t stop talking about! I devoured it on a trip to Savannah, and I immediately put it in the hands of my work wife, Kate. Where do I even begin?! This book reads as a journey for two siblings to learn about their parents after they have passed. The untold story and secrets of their parents upbringing sheds light on their own childhood and the choices their parents made for them. This path of discovery not only illuminates their parent’s truths, but it also brings them closer together through this process. Please, please, please read this book, and then let me know what you think!

I hope you find a book here that you love!

As always, huge shoutout to Andy Hook for letting me steal audible credits and supporting my reading habits!


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